In 1986, David Foster, established the Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization that assists children in need of major organ transplants providing much-needed dollars in direct family support. In 2006, it became a national organization, expanding to help families across Canada. The Foundation works in collaboration with the transplant teams at children’s hospital’s across Canada to provide support for children under nineteen years of age, from the time they are listed for pediatric transplant and up to and including their post-operative checkups. When a child requires a transplant, the many additional non-medical expenses can create a significant and unexpected burden for families. Often families must temporarily relocate to another city or province for medical treatments. Months or even years of medical support is often required for children waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.
The Foundation works alongside families to relieve their financial constraints to ensure that no family is forced to choose between paying their bills and caring for their sick child. The Foundation provides financial assistance for all non-medical expenses including but not limited to food, clothing, accommodation, travel, rent/mortgage, utilities, and bill payments.